January - May 2024
Was introduced to a variety of microstructure characterization and mechanical testing techniques for engineering materials over the course of a semester. Participated in hands-on laboratory projects and investigated the relationships between the mechanical behavior of materials and their microstructure.

TGA machine used in lab

DSC machine while being used in experiement

Friction testing machine while in use

Cold rolling brass samples

Preparing various brass samples

Wear testing machine in use

Viewing results of wear testing

Testing different body lotions with rheometer
Gained experience in: Cold Rolling various levels of annealed samples, Friction Testing different finished surfaces, determining the volume using a Pycnometer, found how different microstructures produce different data when Ultrasonic Testing, conducted Nanoindentation and Tensile Testing, studied the thermal properties of a material with the DSC, found the crystal structure and atomic distribution with the XRD, conducted Wear Testing, found the viscoelastic responses using DMA, quantified a material’s thermal stability with the TGA, characterized with the SEM and EDX, collected topographic and phase information with the AFM, and used fluids to analyze their viscoelastic response to the application of a shear force with the Rheometer