Sept 2024 - Present
I had the privilege of attending the AIChE Chem-E-Car conference, and nationals competition, in San Diego, California, as part of my university’s mechanical team. Thanks to the team's hard work, we placed 6th globally! It was an exciting and challenging experience, especially as I tackled alignment adjustments and resolved other mechanical issues to get our car competition-ready.
Being part of this incredible event allowed me to apply hands-on skills, collaborate under pressure, and witness the creativity and innovation of teams from across the country. Grateful for the opportunity to contribute to our team’s success and for the memories made along the way!
Fun manufacturing times….
While preparing the car for AlChE’s Annual Student Conference this year, we had a lot of fun sawing polycarbonate plates, assembling bearing/shaft systems for axels, and applying machining knowledge while fabricating the mechanical system.
We applied engineering principals and techniques such as 3D printing, shaft and gear concepts, and more. Manufacture parts in university machine shop.